Content with Summer

We are in the middle of the lushness of summer, the flowers are blooming, the roses smell fantastic, the wood chuck family in my neighborhood now numbers, including a Mother and 3 kids. Somebody ate the top off of all my pansy’s, I do suspect the woodchucks. The American Goldfinch and cardinals are a flash of color by the window and in spite of the heat, I am content. The office is open for office hours now and I love to be down there on Court Street but sometimes I get my best thinking in while I sit before my computer in front of the windows at home, watching the natural world all around me. I learn from the birds to let my mind flit from one idea to another, I learn from the woodchucks about creation and that occasionally I need to stop working and go and eat. Probably more than pansy flowers but that my body needs, physical, emotional and intellectual food to thrive. I learn from the flowers, the roses, the day lilies, the peonies that there is beauty all around and I but need to notice and appreciate it.  The gratitude I have for the staff, the members, the Board and the many many volunteers adds to my feeling of contentment.

Another part of the reason for my contentment, is the continuation of my interim ministry with you and the opportunity to continue to dig deep into some of the projects that have begun. 

First and foremost is the ongoing work of defining and refining Collaborative Leadership. Kirsten and I have a set time weekly to meet. During this time we discuss how we are meeting the mission goals and needs of the staff and congregation; how we are planning for the future; and talking about how to solidify the collaborative leadership plans. In essence, there are two aspects to this. The first is how we, Kirsten and I  are working together as the ministerial  team, what tasks, duties lie with each of us, what portfolio we each are holding and the help and assistance we need from one another to provide the highest quality care for the congregations spiritual health. As a reminder to you, we are using the UUA’s Fulfilling the Call report to look at the various streams of congregational life: worship, pastoral Care, social justice and relationship with the larger community education across the life span, administration and management and connection with the broader UU community. The other part of the Collaborative Leadership is beginning to unfold as the Shared Leadership Team takes time to look at the overall congregational connections. This includes an organizational chart that is realistic and transparent and the care and development of volunteer leadership. We are working intentionally and are building a strong foundation that puts South Church in a unique and innovative place. 

At any time you have questions about this “new innovative” model i welcome a conversation and or emails or telephone calls.

Thank you for all the you do. This has been a month of incredible volunteerism. First, as we recognized Associate Team members who have served and those who are coming on. Then, as the Pocket Garden brought so many together under the direction of two amazing co-leaders and the committee and all the volunteers who made it wildly successful. 

We are entering a season where preparation is beginning for next season. We welcome your ideas, your energy, your enthusiasm. 

Enjoy this wonderful fruitful and luscious summer.   Blessings.     Rev Susan

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