Summer in Salisbury

This weekend brought Ron and I back to our Salisbury trailer home. Though it would be a lot more enjoyable if the temperature were closer to 65 than 45 degrees, we are getting settled in. Ron broke his ankle three weeks ago falling down the stairs and he is in his third cast and healing okay. He doesn’t stay off it as much as he should and who can blame him, walking around with crutches is tough. Our thoughts of a nice warm and sunny weekend to bring in the summer are dashed, as all of ours are with this cold, wet weather. And I am trying to be grateful that the rain has tamped down the pollen and watered very thirsty trees and flowers and re-filled streams and ponds. Thank goodness for big windows to watch the chipmunks and squirrels and most interesting of all, a robin siting and feeding their young.  They picked a perfect spot for the nest before we arrived a quiet place near the deck, but they are learning that we will be in and out of the house and this disturbs and causes them to leave the nest. This is the third day we are here, and I noticed this morning when I exited the trailer the Robin did not go quite as far away from the nest as she had been, perhaps we are settling into a quiet co-habitation.

                The one critter who keeps me entertained however is my Chipmunk who last year I trained to come and get peanuts from my hand. I trained her to come with a noise I make and within 5 minutes of arriving here on Thursday she was making that noise at me. I got the hint and when I offered her a peanut in a shell she immediately came and got it from me. Now when she wants to be fed, she appears at the doorstep and makes that noise expecting me to respond. Who trained whom, I ask?

                This Memorial Day weekend we will take time to remember those who died while in military service. Parades will occur despite the rain and cold, flags will be waved out of respect for those who died, and I will remember relatives who served too.  This Memorial Day weekend, I will also be grateful for this summer reprieve 20 minutes from Portsmouth, a peaceful nature filled lovely little place to renew and restore my spirits.

                We are approaching the slowing down time however your staff are still actively engaged in providing you with services. The summer theme will be Change and I will preach, and you will have the opportunity to hear guest speakers and we will find ways to stay and become connected as the spread of the virus begins to abate. As always, we have you in our thoughts and though each staff member will take much deserved vacations, we are here for you. On-line worship services will, committees will meet, fellowship will happen, and the possibility of a summer in-person gathering will be explored. Do you want to help me plan that? Please do be in touch. I need assistance to make it happen.

                Enjoy this weekend.   Warmly, Rev Susan